Are you ready for the biggest home and garden event of 2013?
Bringing together over 100 exhibitors of the very best homes, gardens, landscaping and interior design products in Second Life, plus an additional 30 creators from the ever popular breedables sector in the second annual Breedables Fair, the Home & Garden Expo for Relay For Life 2013 is a fundraising event not to be missed.
The Expo is an annual highlight for those that love seeking out the latest home and garden products and combined with a full entertainment schedule, hunts, raffles and silent auctions plus items designed just for this event - you can be sure of finding stylish new products to give your home a fresh look.
This year’s Expo will feature 8 regions full of home products, 2 sims just for the breedables fair and 1 entertainment sim where you can take a break from shopping and party in style: there is going to be a lot to see and do at this year’s Expo!
Shopping in Second Life is always fun and each Expo exhibitor will be selling special new items for Relay For Life and the American Cancer Society so you can shop and help cancer patients and their families in real life too.
The Home Expo and Breedables Fair crew hope you will enjoy visiting this year’s event and wish you a lot of fun exploring the sims and decorating your homes!
For full information and all the latest updates, please visit the Home and Garden Expo websites:
Landscaping, incluye el banco con poses
TWO MOON GARDENS Cherry Blossom Place
Hope Cottage Expo Edition Rezzer
Garden Cafe Table and Chairs Set Pink
{what next}
R(S)W Potting Bench Shabby
Persnickity hut RFL item
Tp to
Home & Garden Expo 2013